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Film Club Introd… wait, what, no film!?

Akira Kurosawa Film ClubIn case you haven’t been following the discussion, this may come as something of a surprise to you, but we have redrawn the film club schedule, and there is no film scheduled for July 1 (we were supposed to start discussing Sanshiro Sugata II). Instead, we will restart the Kurosawa film club in September, after Criterion has released their Early Kurosawa box set.

The full schedule — projected all the way to 2013 — can be found at the Akira Kurosawa Film Club page.

Of course, we are still discussing Naruse’s Flowing, which we started in mid-June.

And don’t forget that in July 15, we will start the discussion of Humanity and Paper Balloons, a highly influential 1937 film from Sadao Yamanaka.

You may also want to start planning for August, when we will have a silent Ozu month! We are just spoiled with good stuff here at ak.info!


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