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AK Film Club: Sanjuro

First of all, apologies for the recent silence from my part, but life (read: “work”) has been hectic. Last month, I constantly kept hoping that I would find the time (and even more importantly the energy) to post my typical introduction to The Hidden Fortress — “tomorrow” was always my deadline — determined that a proper introduction would be better than a quick note. Well, it’s December now and no introduction materialised.

So, this month I’m ready to face the facts and come to the conclusion that a quick note is better than nothing at all.

In other words, this month’s Film Club film is Sanjuro (1962), a sequel (or companion piece) to 1961’s Yojimbo, which we discussed last year. In fact, those discussions may be a good starting point for Sanjuro, although as it is very much a free-standing film in its own, no knowledge of the prequel is necessarily required.

You may also be interested in the 2007 remake, if you can find it.

Please, don’t let my current work load keep you from tackling Sanjuro — the forums are always open!


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