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IMPORTANT! Server move

Edit: The move is now over.

As you may have noticed, the server has been down again for most of the day. So, I am finally going to do what I should have done months ago, and will move the website to new servers tomorrow (Friday).

You may at some point notice that instead of getting access to the site as usual, you will be given a notice that the website is undergoing maintenance. If so, try again later. It may take a few hours, it may take a few days — this all depends on a number of things really, so I can’t give an accurate estimate.

But the basic rule is this: If you get access to the site, you can use it as normal. And mind you, I won’t start the move yet, only on Friday. (As for the time, I’m planning on starting on Friday around 12 noon, Central European Time.)

I’ll post another news article once the move is complete.




Vili Maunula

I’m leaving a comment here so that the news article also gets to be on the “discussion” list, just in case someone might miss it in the news section.



Nice site – Hope we have meaningful discussions! ❗


Vili Maunula

Welcome aboard, Gwen!

I think that some of the most meaningful discussions so far have been had as part of the online film club. Do check out some of the older threads, and feel free to jump into discussion about this month’s film, The Quiet Duel. Noel has already posted a very interesting question about the film and its relation to Stray Dog.

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