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Film Club Will Take a Break

Akira Kurosawa Online Film Club
I have decided to pull the plug on the film club, at least for a while. It’s been a tough decision, but there just hasn’t been enough interest in the films in the past year and a bit to make sense continuing to organise it.

Thanks all for your participation, and maybe we’ll restart the club sometime in the future. All of the old posts are of course still there and welcome your participation, and the forums are open as always allowing anyone to post about any topic that they would like to.





I”m sorry to hear this, but I guess it was inevitable. I’ve been trying to catch up on my watching, but its hard, so I haven’t been able to contribute. But there are still plenty of interesting threads to follow up on.



It’s ironic that this is announced just as I’m becoming more active again, but it’s probably a wise idea. It’s hard to maintain momentum and interest, especially in films that aren’t Kurosawa’s.

As for me, I’m excited about the upcoming Magnificent Seven remake. The cast list (Denzel Washington, among others) suggests it won’t be the racist, sexist mess the original was.



Well, there are still plenty of old threads I’d like to revisit over time.


As for me, I’m excited about the upcoming Magnificent Seven remake. The cast list (Denzel Washington, among others) suggests it won’t be the racist, sexist mess the original was.

I’d forgotten about that, looks like it will be out quite soon. Its interesting that the imdb page credits Kurosawa, Hashimoto and Oguni as screenwriters, so maybe it might look more to Seven Samurai than M7 for inspiration. Having Nic Pizzolatto as a writer is really interesting though, I would guess he would add a darker hue to the story. Although I have to say I haven’t been too impressed with previous Antoine Fuqua films, he’s seemed to me a bit of a journeyman director, but I hope to be surprised.

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