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Introducing the Akira Kurosawa Discussion Forums

If you glimpse at the website menu, you will notice that there is a new link as the very rightmost entry on the list. It is titled “Forums“, and as you may already have deduced from the mere title of this link, it means that I have finally decided to launch the (relatively) much-requested forums section on this website.

Comments and criticism is of course much welcome, but before you launch into a comparison between the new forum and other discussion sites that you may be familiar with, bear in mind that my main aims here have been ease of use (both for you and me), lightness and reliability, rather than having every feature in the known universe available from the very onset. Because of this, I have chosen bbPress as the software on which the forum is run. bbPress is developed by the same group who work on WordPress, and since most of my websites (akirakurosawa.info included) run on WordPress, the WordPress team has my trust and I am certain that bbPress, which is still in something of a development phase, will emerge to be a brilliant piece of software.

This is not to say that bbPress wouldn’t already be fully functional. All the basic functions are there, and in case you miss something, drop me a line and I’ll see what I can do about it. bbPress, just like WordPress, is really quite easily modifiable, thus making it relatively easy for me to deal with whatever requests you may have.

So, go and see the new forums, and honestly tell me what you think. Note that if you are already registered for this website, your login will work also at the forums (in fact, if you are logged in now, you are already logged in at the forums as well.)





A fantastic addition to the site; I prefer the simplistic approach.
Great job Vili, this site has gone though a lot of great changes quickly, your work is much appreciated.






I’d like to say hello to all people on this board.




i’m eric. joining a couple boards and looking
forward to participating. hehe unless i get
too distracted!



Vili Maunula

Hi Eric, welcome onboard!



I’m Gerald.

Just saying hi – I’m new.

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