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AKN&I Returns From Maintenance: New Domain

The maintenance phase should now be over, and things are back in full operation. Comment sections are open again, so feel free to leave your thoughts!

The most visible change to you is perhaps that Akira Kurosawa News and Information has moved to a new domain: https://akirakurosawa.info/. In case you are kind enough to link to this website from your blog or website, please update your links to the new address. The same goes for those of you who have bookmarked this site, while those of you who use the RSS feed should not need to do anything also need to update their links.

Some things will probably still need to be ironed out, so bear with me if there are missing images or other strange things.





Like the new url, this site has really shaped up over the short time I’ve been here.
Hope to see more frequent visitors and continuous feeds of news. There is a lot of information that I would likely miss out on, if it wasnt for this site.
I know for sure the only reason I bought Waiting on the Weather and the new Criterion releases was because of this site, otherwise I doubt I would of found out about them anytime soon or if ever in the case of Nogami’s book. They owe you 🙂


Vili Maunula

I’m glad that the site is of use to some people. 🙂

Although I get a few dollars here and there from the various forms of advertising that I have on this site, the real pleasure in running this site really is in hearing from the visitors. Both the regulars (well, both of you :)), and those who just drop in to say hi and thanks.



Well I hope I am becoming a regular. 🙂

I appreciate your efforts as well. I really wanted the Yahoo group to do well, but it seems to sputter and die. This site does a lot, and you are to be commended. I am sure you have a lot of work wrapped up in this, and I am grateful that you do it.


Vili Maunula

You were the other regular I referred to. I think something like 95% of the comments on this site have been written by us three.

Also I wanted the Yahoo group to become the centre of the Kurosawa world, but somehow it just died down. One never really gets any response or comments to anything these days. Too bad. 🙁

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