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First Blu-ray Kurosawa in February

So far, the only high definition Kurosawa release is the French HD-DVD version of Ran, released in 2007. This is, however, about to change in February with a range of Japanese Blu-ray releases.

On February 6th, 2009, two Japanese Blu-rays will be published:

The Rashomon release, pictured above, is basically the recent high definition restoration of the film led by the US Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and which has in the past few months been screened in various places. The disc, which is currently pre-selling for ¥3,651, seems to come with a short documentary on the restoration work, but not much other extra content to speak of.

Blu-ray Box Set
Together with the Rashomon release is also released a Blu-ray box set which includes Rashomon (the same print as with the single Blu-ray release), Ran, Madadayo and The Quiet Duel. The price the set at ¥14,607. It does, however, seem to me that from these releases only Rashomon has been restored, leaving the others similar to the earlier DVD releases in terms of quality.

For more in formation about the availability of Kurosawa’s films on home video, take a look at Kurosawa DVDs and Kurosawa Blu-rays.


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