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Criterion’s ‘High and Low’ released

High and LowCriterion’s double-disc re-release of High and Low should now be available for purchase.

The release has received a very positive response from DVD critics. The DVD Town and DVD Beaver reviews that I have already linked to both consider Criterion’s new version the best one that is currently available. This view is shared by other reviews that have cropped up in the past couple of days, for example the ones by the Blogcritic Magazine and DVD Verdict.

As a related note, and as Fabien has pointed out, Criterion seems to be working on a re-release of Rashomon as well, although this will most probably only be a repackaging of the movie in their new Essential Art House collection. There are, however, rumours that sooner or later (possibly within the next few years), Criterion will re-release all of their so-called “first generation” Kurosawas with better transfers and more extras.

See Kurosawa DVDs and Kurosawa Blu-rays for more information about Kurosawa’s films on home video.


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