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Online Film Club #3: Yojimbo

YojimboSo, July is here (has actually already been for a couple of days) and it is therefore time to turn our Film Club’s attention to Yojimbo.

Consequently, and as always, the forums are now open for Yojimbo related discussion.

On a personal note, I have been relatively busy lately, and will be travelling for the next week. I will be reading everything posted, but can’t say yet how actively I will be able to participate in the discussion until I get back. There are a few topics I would like to discuss about Yojimbo, however, so once I find the time I’ll certainly jump into the discussion with full force.




Jeremy Quintanilla

Where everyone’s write ups?

Maybe the Americans have a excuse and still recovering from July 4th, I know I am. I slept all day Monday 🙄 , and just now returning to normal today(Tuesday), I should have my writeup and look forward to reading others late this week.


Vili Maunula

I’m preparing a few observations/questions and some short essay-like posts, but as I am travelling until Thursday evening and don’t have either the movie or my books with me, I’m holding back the writing until I do.

Yippee also raised a very interesting question about the ending of the film here, and I am planning to explore that (and Yippee’s reply in general) further once I return.

And I’m of course really looking forward to everyone else’s contributions as well! For such a “simple” movie, I think Yojimbo actually has quite a number of points to discuss, or at least my notes from watching it twice last week are quite numerous.


Jon Hooper

I have been holding back until I get the chance to watch the film again. And I still haven’t had time to watch it again. Hopefully some time later this week.

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