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Amazon’s new Kurosawa offerings

The Amazon.com exclusive Criterion Collection Director Series: Akira Kurosawa that I wrote about recently turns out to consist of Criterion’s new version of Yojimbo, Seven Samurai and Sanjuro (as well as the standard Throne Of Blood) and not the old versions, as we had feared. Note, however, that if you don’t take postage into account, the price tag of $109.99 is the same (well, actually two cents more) than it would be if you ordered the DVDs separately. With shipping included, the set may turn out to be cheaper for overseas customers, but again breaks even for US customers who would get free shipping in any case for orders over $25. As such, the whole collection seems to be nothing more than a marketing trick.

Another new-but-old Amazon.com exlusive Kurosawa item on sale is the Rutgers Films in Print series book on Rashomon, which is now available in the Kindle store. Amazon Kindle is a new electronic book that was launched a few months ago by Amazon, and this seems to be the first Kurosawa book that has been made available for it. For more information about Kindle, see Wikipedia’s entry on Kindle. For Akira Kurosawa books, see the section on Kurosawa books. Kindle is currently available only for US customers.




Master Thief

I just noticed that Eastern Eye has released a new box set as well which includes:


as well as the Kurosawa written THE FENCING MASTER (Tateshi Danpei)

It doesn’t look like you can buy THE FENCING MASTER separately so you would have to pay Aus$79.95 for the box.




Vili Maunula

Thanks a lot for the info, Master Thief!


Master Thief


Vili Maunula

It seems that December has been a busy season for Kurosawa releases. There’s also a series of French releases of Kurosawa’s films that came out in December (about which I found out a few days ago). Thanks again for all the info, Master Thief.

I’ll try to collect all the release new together and write a news item on that, but it won’t be today as I’m somewhat uncomfortably in the middle of things.

As well as still trying to recover from the shock of Heath Ledger passing away. 🙁


New region 4 Kurosawa from Madman :.: Akira Kurosawa – News and Information

[…] Master Thief pointed out a few days ago in the comments to Amazon’s new Kurosawa offerings, the Australian Madman Entertainment’s Eastern Eye series put out a host of new Kurosawa DVDs […]

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