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Community Projects

The Akira Kurosawa News & Information community that has developed around this website has been fairly active in promoting certain ideas and goals regarding the promotion and preservation of Kurosawa’s works and legacy. This page serves as a brief introduction to these projects and the state that they are currently in.

There are currently three projects that have been initiated: one to save Dersu Uzala, another that deals with subtitles, and finally one to explore the possibilities of distributing Kurosawa’s out-of-copyright films.

If you have a project in mind in which you think we should consider directing our collective skills, connections and abilities, please make yourself heard at the discussion forums.


AK Wikipedia Project

Kurosawa’s Wikipedia page, as well as his film pages, could do with a makeover. Since early 2010, we have been discussing what to do about this matter. Head over to the forums to find out how you can help.


Project Dersu

It has come to our attention that the original negatives of Kurosawa’s 1975 film Dersu Uzala, stored at Gosfilmofond in Moscow, are in a very poor condition.

Project Dersu’s primary goals are to collect reliable information about the actual condition in which the material is, and if need be, contact people and organizations who might be able to save this film classic from physical decay.

Although not much has happened with the project after initial show of interest, if you would be interested in taking part, declare your interest at the Saving Dersu Uzala topic over at the forums.
