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Yojimbo’s Remake Gets a Remake

A Fistful of Dollars
Deadline reports that A Fistful of Dollars, Sergio Leone’s unofficial remake of Kurosawa’s Yojimbo, is getting an official remake.

Relatively few details are known about the plans or the schedule, but the film will be produced by Euro Gang Entertainment, FPC and Rome-based Jolly Film. You can find more information about each from the Deadline article, but we are talking about production companies and producers behind such films as The Talented Mr Ripley, The English Patient, The Life Aquatic, From Dusk Til Dawn, 300, and the original A Fistful of Dollars.

The original A Fistful of Dollars launched the careers of director Sergio Leone as well as the film’s leading man, Clint Eastwood. As it was an unauthorised remake that quite blatantly copied Yojimbo, Kurosawa contacted the Italian filmmakers and argued that his production company and Toho were due a cut of the film’s revenue. Kurosawa reportedly ended up making more from A Fistful of Dollars than he had from his own film.





I assume whoever is behind this is aware of the legal battles involved, presumably they have asked some lawyers who will sell the rights cheapest. Didn’t the recent Magnificent Seven remake reboot itself as a Kurosawa remake?

But it could be interesting, nonetheless. Big shoes to fill for whoever gets the part. I can’t think off-hand what actor of the right age now could pull off the part. Michael Fassbender perhaps?



Fassbender would be a fitting choice! I would nominate Robert Pattinson, who I’m convinced could pull off a brilliant Man with No Name.

I do assume that they have sorted out the legalities for this one as it’s quite a bit more difficult to “do a Leone” these days.



Presumably whatever settlement Kurosawa reached with Leone included a rights transfer so that anyone paying for the rights to A Fistful of Dollars automatically gets derivative rights to Yojimbo as well.

I wish them well. I don’t know if A Fistful of Dollars was the first spaghetti Western, but as Leone’s first, it’s amusing to me to know that the genre is deeply indebted to Japanese cinema.



Westerns and Kurosawa are so intertwined, it’s funny to connect all the dots. I think of it like this (for fun): Kurosawa was inspired by John Ford (who visited the set of The Men Who Tread on the Tiger’s Tail), Leone was inspired by Kurosawa to make spagetti westerns, and then Juzo Itami made Tampopo, which is referred to as a “ramen western”. Full circle! Especially when you consider that Juzo Itami’s dad, Mansaku Itami, was a major force in Shinobu Hashimoto’s career as a screenwriter, giving us Rashomon, Ikiru and.. Seven Samurai!! (Juzo Itami also lived with Teruyo Nogami for a bit as a kid).



That’s great, Sam! My favourite influence circle is probably: The Glass Key (and/or Red Harvest) ➡ YojimboDjangoSukiyaki Western DjangoDjango Unchained. It does a very satisfying west-east-west-east-west bounce and involves a number of great directors.

Someone should do a Yojimbo multimetaverse film where we’d have the main characters of all of these films, as well as A Fistful of Dollars, Sanjuro, Zatoichi Meets Zojimbo, Last Man Standing, The Warrior and the Sorceress, Inferno, Usagi Yojimbo, and all the other yojimbos that have ever made and appearance. I mean, if Warner Bros can have Godzilla and King Kong together in one film, why couldn’t we have this?



Just as an aside, I saw something a couple of days ago that read “Keanu Reeves laconic” and it made me realize he would be perfect for The Man With No Name. Although maybe the zetup



Whoops, I can’t figure out how to edit. Anyway, the setup for A Fistful of Dollars may be too similar to John Wick.

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