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Kurosawa-Mifune exhibition opens in Kamakura, Japan

A new special exhibition about the lives of Akira Kurosawa and Toshirō Mifune has opened at the Kawakita Film Museum in Kamakura, Japan. Titled “Japanese Film Legend: Akira Kurosawa and Toshiro Mifune” in English, and 世界のクロサワとミフネ in Japanese (roughly “Kurosawa and Mifune of the World”), the exhibition includes film materials and other memorabilia from the two legends.

Several film screenings will also be hosted, two of which are subtitled in English. The first of the English screenings, Drunken Angel is shown on September 19, which is tomorrow. For a full list of screenings, see here for the English list and here for the Japanese one.

Mifune Kurosawa exhibition poster

The exhibition runs until January 15, 2017. For further details about how to get there, see the museum website.

If you happen to be visiting the area, keep in mind that you might be able to combine the exhibition with a visit to Kurosawa’s grave at the An’yō-in temple, which is also located in Kamakura. Yasujirō Ozu is likewise buried in the city, at the Engaku-ji temple.

And of course, if you do happen to visit the exhibition, a small report in the comments section below would be much appreciated!


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