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John Woo wanted to remake Yojimbo

Red Cliff PosterIn an interview for Malaysia’s Star Online, John Woo who is currently promoting his latest film, the $80 million martial arts extravaganza Red Cliff, mentioned that at some point in his career he wanted to remake Yojimbo, but “was beaten to it” by someone else.

I guess Last Man Standing could have benefited from the man who brought us Face/Off.

In the interview, Woo also notes that he is a big fan of Kurosawa, while the interviewer draws a parallel between Kurosawa’s use of wipes and the way Woo employs them in Red Cliff.

Yes, it is kind of silent news-wise…




Jeremy Quintanilla

I dont like Woo anyways


Vili Maunula

Not among my favourites, either, although I thought that Face/Off was quite watchable in its own way.


Jeremy Quintanilla

I have lost all respect for you 😆
Just joking of course, but seriously, Face/Off was stupid.

I must admit I find those horrible martin lawrence movies fun to watch and have seen Black Knight some 20 times. I guess bad movie still serve a purpose.


Vili Maunula

Face/Off was stupid, but I think that it was still rather enjoyable. A bit like Inokichi, I would say. 😉

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