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Tokyo event with Nogami and Richie

Those of you in Tokyo at the end of the month may not want to miss an event that the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan is organizing on the 31st of March. The two-hour talk is on Teryo Nogami’s book Waiting on the Weather, and present is not only Nogami herself but also Donald Richie.

More information about the event, which will be in Japanese with English interpretation, can be found here.

Anyone able to arrange an audio or video recording of this?




Jeremy Quintanilla

It only plane ticket weren’t so damn expensive I would make a trip out there. This is certainly something I wish I could attend.

Since its sort on the subject, is anyone planning to go to Japan for Kurosawa’s 100th anniversary birthday in 2010. I hope there is some big events, because there is nothing to stop me from going. Maybe there could be some sort of community meet up in Japan, 2010 really isnt that far away to start preparing a meeting. I just think this would be really cool.


Vili Maunula

The centenary meet-up is certainly something that I have thought about in the past few months.

It’s really too bad that we are so spread out all over the globe! Getting all of us, or even a significant number of the regulars, on the same continent would probably take quite a bit of good will. But I do like the idea, so let’s talk about it!

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