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New website look

Although I was pretty happy with the design that I came up with about a year ago, in the long run it turned out to be extremely impractical and, let’s face it, ugly. So, since late last August, I have been labouring on a new design for the website, and I think that I have finally arrived to the point where I can upload what I have.

It has taken me a while, but I hope that the new design will work better for everyone. It is by no means finished yet, but should be functional enough to warrant my releasing it. There are some obvious temporary solutions, the most visible of which is probably the header, which is obviously very general and not all that suitable for a Kurosawa website.

Let me know what you think. Furthermore, definitely let me know if something doesn’t work!




Vili Maunula

This is a bolded test comment. 😎


Vili Maunula

Another test comment. You can safely ignore this.



I don’t have too much time to scrounge around and see what works and doesn’t, but yes the header is really the only outright ugly/negative thing I have to mention. I certainly liked have the nice big headlines and stories right there on the fro page in full, but it isn’t essential. You know if you want me to design a banner or something that Kurosawa’izes the site I’d be willing to talk.



Hey, I like the clean and simple design and that it is easy to get an overview about all the content that you provide. What I don’t get is why the “about this site” section is in the footer, where hardly anybody will read it. I would expect it to be at some other, easy-to-find spot.


Jeremy Quintanilla

WOW, I first I thought someone hacked your site 😕

I do like a lot of the changes, for one the way in which comments are posted is much improved. I only managed to look around a bit, everything I think is for the better. However I do agree with Ben that it lacks a bit in the looks department. It could use a small bit of “Kurosawa’izing” 😛


Vili Maunula

To be honest, I actually quite like the colours of the header, even if it has nothing to do with Kurosawa. In any case, over the months I have tried quite a number of ideas for the header, but none of them have really worked. If you guys have ideas, I’m of course open for them.

As for the “about” text being in the footer, it’s there for a number of reasons, none of which really make sense anymore. Basically, I left it there as I didn’t want to take any valuable screen estate from higher up, but at the same time wanted to have the keyword-rich text for search engines. However, the text has changed a bit, and I don’t think it really serves much of a purpose anymore, so perhaps I should just remove it altogether.

There certainly still are a lot of small things to tweak.



I like it!

V — how do I get my picture (avatar?) to show up? When I uploaded it, the only button I saw was “Update Profile” which I did but still no pic.

Did I miss something?



Vili Maunula

Strange. Can you try again, Lewis? Because that’s where it should work from.

I managed to update mine just fine, but then again I’m the admin so I’m never entirely sure if something I can do applies to the others as well.

Edit: Did you go to the sub-tab “Your Avatar”? Perhaps the admin interface is a bit confusing, I’ll have to see if I can redesign it. Once you click “Your Avatar”, you should see a text field for the file name and a big “Browse” button. Once you have the avatar file set up, you can then click “Update profile”, which should give you feedback about a successful update.


Jeremy Quintanilla

Isaul, if the picture you upload is not very close to 100×100 pixels, or larger then 15Kb, it doesnt report an error-it just doesnt do anything.

Chances are your picture doesnt fit the requirements.
I just uploaded a new avatar to test it out, and had the same problem, til I made some corrections.


bender bending rodriguez

Love the new look. Minimalist and simple and love the background on the header too. Leaves more room for the comments. Single column is the way to go, plus it looks more professional.


Vili Maunula

Isaul, if the picture you upload is not very close to 100×100 pixels, or larger then 15Kb, it doesnt report an error-it just doesnt do anything.

Is that so? Then there must be an error in my code, as it is supposed to resize the image for you. I’ll have to test this again once I can sit down comfortably (I’m currently sitting on one of those uncomfortable seats they have at airport lounges — I’m at an airport, waiting for a flight).



Yeah, I played with it for 15 minutes. Got it down to 90×90, but it was still 16MB — and Jeremy is right: nothing happens!

I’ll keep trying, but I’m not very good at image editing.

If you guys can get it down to 15MB, I’d be delighted (it’s the pic on the top right of my blog (NOT the borg!)

Lewis Saul



There we go!

I just had to keep going — down to 77…


Jeremy Quintanilla

Vili, it does resize but it appears it requires it to be fairly small starting out. About the only thing it needs is a error stating the problem, as of now it says nothing and can be a bit confusing as to what it going on.

bender bending rodriguez 😛 appears we have a futurama fan


Vili Maunula

I’ll see if I can sort it out. The problem is that ultimately, I think, the issue is with the web server on which this site runs. I think the php server image module cannot handle file sizes as huge as 18MB, and so it just throws its hands up in the air when it meets one.

Which is, really, a good thing, as otherwise the upload might wreck havoc on the whole system. But it would indeed be nice if I could give some feedback regarding the file sizes before the server terminates the connection. I’ll see about it.


Jeremy Quintanilla

I was assuming Isaul, meant 15Kb and not Mb, as not even a raw image of a unscaled picture would get that large. (well it could, but very unlikely in Isaul’s case)


Vili Maunula

Hm. In that case there is a problem. I’ll investigate further.


Jeremy Quintanilla

Isaul, I rescaled your website’s picture and corrected the file size.

This one is the larger then what you have currently-the maximum allowed.
If you want it, you point the upload file to

otherwise I will delete in a few days–dont care to have a picture of you on my server :mrgreen:


Vili Maunula

Ok, I’m an idiot.

The problem of course is that the size check (in kb) is done before the image is resized. As for now, I raised the image size limit for 30kb. I will later see about changing the kb-size check to be after any possible resizing of the width/height.

Thanks guys for the help!


Lewis Saul

>>>>otherwise I will delete in a few days

Go ahead and delete it. I’m fine with the one that I uploaded. Thx.

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