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AKNI Comment Editing

Due to popular demand, comment editing is now available on this website. The solution is time-based, so at the moment you have 15 minutes after your original post to edit your grammar and other mistakes, if you so feel. During that time you can see a small “edit” link next to the time stamp of your comment. (Feel free to test it in the comment area of this post.)

Note that this is IP address based, so in theory anyone sharing your IP address (i.e. using the same computer as you do, or is part of the same network as you are) is able to edit the comment during that time. However, as the allowed time frame is only 15 minutes, this should not be a security issue. After 15 minutes, no one except for me as the webmaster can carry on edits on comments.

Another change that should be visible is that the site now remembers your contact details in the comment form (no need to type in your name, email and URL every time). Alternatively, if you are logged in (I see that some of you have registered to the website), it’ll show that information instead. This, as far as I know, is cookie based. If you surf the Internet from a public computer, it is advisable to always empty the browser’s cookie cache before you leave the computer.

I am actually somewhat worried about the security implications of the latter, so I am trying to find a way to allow visitors to choose whether the contact details should be remembered. This is again in connection with those of you who surf the Internet from a public computer, like a library or school computer. If you access this website from home, this should not be an issue (unless you live with an evil twin).





Thanks for your effort, hope it wasn’t too much trouble.

editing works fine 🙂


Vili Maunula

Hehe, good to see that it works. And no, it wasn’t too much trouble at all once I made the decision to implement it.


Jeremy Quintanilla

If this goes though, sorry about the last couple of post, I change my display name and I accidentally had debug version of firefox on. Some weird things happened, sorry


Jeremy Quintanilla

Sorry Vili, didnt know where else to do this


Vili Maunula

It seems like your changing the display name somehow triggered WordPress (the website software) to hold your comments up for moderation. Strange.


Vili Maunula

No problem, Jeremy. This is a good place to try things like these. 🙂


Jeremy Quintanilla

seems fine now, but the page keep refreshing itself, and I couldnt tell what was going on. Am sure using the wrong firefox didnt help.
Everything appears fine now


Vili Maunula

Hmm. Nothing at my end should cause the refreshing. But I’ll keep my eyes open.

I know that Firefox can be set to a mode where it refreshes the page every X seconds — maybe your browser somehow switched into it?


Jeremy Quintanilla

No doubt the fault was on my end, everything is working fine now.

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