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AKNI Style Changes

There have been some relatively minor changes to the design of this website in the past couple of days. Hopefully, navigation around the site is now a bit simpler, and some things like the comment area are more pleasant to the eye.

As always, your comments are welcome. Especially since I can only test the site with two computers and a handful of browsers, so there may be someone out there with strange settings with which AKNI ends up looking like a discarded pile of used socks (which would, actually, be quite weird).





I like the subtle changes to the site , it continues to get better and better
Is there anyway to be able to edit a submitted post, no matter how many times I preview my post, its not til I submit before I see my errors


Vili Maunula

At the moment there is no way to edit a submitted post unless you are me, but I’ll look into it. I don’t think it should be too difficult to incorporate.

I am also still thinking about the possibility of making better use of horizontal space on higher resolutions. Unfortunately, the three-column layout that I am somewhat fond of is quite difficult to work into a liquid layout.

And now that I am viewing the site with Opera, it seems that there are also some issues with this browser.

But as you said, little by little it will get better.

Now I should only continue with adding content. There are a lot of sections for this website that I would like to add and have worked on, but as you can see with the “Kurosawa DVDs” section, I am quite slow with these things. 😉


Vili Maunula

I looked at the “edit comments” issue, and it turns out to be trickier than I thought.

This website is powered by a blogging software called WordPress, which is a fairly standard packet for small-scale blogs like this one. Out of the box, WordPress does not (at the moment) support comment editing where people could edit their own posts.

There seem to be two ways around this.

One is a plug-in (WordPress is highly configurable) that basically makes it possible for anyone to edit their own posts for X minutes after posting the comment — the default is 30 minutes. The downside to this is that the plug-in is based on your IP address, and therefore anyone who has access to the computer you wrote the comment on, or is on a computer that is in the same network, can edit your comment. While this would probably not end up being a huge problem, it is not an optimal solution, either.

The other possible solution is allowing only logged-in users (those who have registered for this website) to edit their own comments. Now, this is a route I would be keen to explore. Unfortunately, the only way to do this at the moment involves re-writing parts of WordPress’s core code itself, and this is something that I would like to avoid at all costs, especially as a new version of WordPress has just come out and I will most probably be upgrading to it at some point in the near future (thus overriding any changes I will make now to the software).

So, currently the only option would be the 30-minute editing window after posting. I will have to think about it. How would that sound to you, Jeremy (or anyone else who is interested, for that matter)?



Don’t go out of your way, its a fairly minor issue and properly one that very few would experience. Proper spelling and grammar is not one of my strong points. After spotting mistakes that even I can recognizing I like to fix them, so as they are at least partly understandable, but I can simply proof read with more attention before submitting.

As for the IP issue, personally that wouldn’t effect me in anyway.
I also dont think requiring a log in is a wise idea, you could lose some comments from people, who would like to reply but wouldn’t like the hassles of registering


Vili Maunula

I’m still thinking about the 30min comment editing. It has its pros and cons.

If I got the log-in based solution to work, it would work so that anyone could still comment, but only those with a registered account could edit their comments. It would give us the best from both worlds, so to speak.

I am also considering the possibility of allowing registered users to write completely new posts under a separate “discussion” category. These posts would not show on the front page, but would instead be shown under a separate “Discussion” page, practically creating a simple discussion forum for the site.

However, I am not sure if the current number of visitors (130-180 per day, of which the standard 1% or so leave comments) at the moment quite warrants a discussion area. There are also some website security related issues that I would need to solve, as well.


Test Commenter

This is the original post of this humble Test Commenter.

And this is the added line after an edit.


AKNI Comment Editing :.: Akira Kurosawa News and Information

[…] Due to popular demand, comment editing is now available on this website. The solution is time-based, so at the moment you have 15 minutes after your original post to edit your grammar and other mistakes, if you so feel. During that time you can see a small “edit” link next to the time stamp of your comment. […]


AKNI Comment Editing :.: Akira Kurosawa News and Information

[…] Due to popular demand, comment editing is now available on this website. The solution is time-based, so at the moment you have 15 minutes after your original post to edit your grammar and other mistakes, if you so feel. During that time you can see a small “edit” link next to the time stamp of your comment. (Feel free to test it in the comment area of this post.) […]

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