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‘The Hidden Fortress’ remake

Tokyo Graph reports that a remake of The Hidden Fortress is on its way. Directed by the special effects specialist turned director Shinji Higuchi, the movie will star Jun Matsumoto, Masami Nagasawa, Hiroshi Abe and Daisuke Miyagawa.

The remake is penned by Kazuki Nakashima, whose only feature film screenwriter’s credit is for the 2005 movie Shiroh according to IMDb. Reportedly, he has worked with Higuchi to make one of the peasants the story’s central character, rather than the general originally played by Toshiro Mifune.

Reportedly budgeted at 1.5 million yen, the film starts shooting next month, and will have its theatrical release in Japan on May 10, 2008.





Well as I’m sure anyone else would say… this is just lazy. Quite a quick turnaround from pre to production to post to release though.


Kaleb Korger

I think Ryuhei Kitamura shound the remake! 😀

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