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Sanshiro Sugata II in May by Eastern Eye

Akira Kurosawa's Sanshiro Sugata IIMay 2nd, 2007 will see the Region 4 DVD release of Sanshiro Sugata II by Eastern Eye. Unless they have completely messed up the release, this DVD should become the definitive English-friendly version of the film on DVD. After all, it shouldn’t take much to beat the only currently available DVD edition of the film, which is by the Chinese Mei Ah company.

That said, the release does not boast multiple extras or anything of that nature, although it does come with a trailer. Since no preview copy has been sent to me (well, I haven’t asked for any, and doubt that they would even act if I did) I cannot say anything about picture or sound quality at the moment.

Full specs for the release can be found at AV Channel. My thanks go to Doug for spotting this and being kind enough to drop me a note about it!






If it meets the quality of their Sanshiro Sugata release, I will be happy that it gets released. Finding the few edits that they did for the first fim was a welcome addition.




Great! Now at some point I will have the oppurtunity to see this!




The Chinese release is atrocious, so this is very welcome.


Master Thief

I have this on order, but from experience they have an extremely slow delivery system. They claim they are improving it, but they haven’t been able to deliver Madadayo & Quiet Duel (released on 7 March) yet and I am only in New Zealand. I usually get stuff from Amazon or Criterion (in the US) within 10 days. So if you do order this, don’t get too anxious if it takes a month or so to arrive. It will eventually.


Vili Maunula

That’s good to know.

Actually, the fastest that I have ever got something from Amazon US to Europe was a couple of months ago when something that I ordered at six in the evening arrived the next morning before noon. That’s pretty damn fast considering that the package had to cross a couple of continents as well as an ocean. But for that I chose the express delivery with UPS.

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