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70 Hours of Film Footage Available from the Making of Ran?

Someone has recently posted a 5-minute long video on YouTube that shows behind-the-scenes activity from the shooting of Kurosawa’s late classic movie Ran.

As the documentary-like film plays, and narrator comments in French and English can be heard on the background, the person who posted this has typed in a message that appears to suggest that altogether 150 hours of making-of footage was originally shot, of which some 70 have survived until today. The person claims that he or she has access to all of this video, and calls for someone (and especially so Steven Spielberg) to fund the restoration of this material.

At the same time, the text that introduces the video seems to suggest that they are actually already working on restoring it: “I am a staff engaged in taking a picture of this ‘RAN’ record video. Therefore, I feel the mission of which it informs the world.”

What do you make of this?





I hope its true, but I am not holding my breath.


Vili Maunula

I was trying to think if the footage shown is actually something that I haven’t seen before in any of the documentaries for Ran.

It didn’t look familiar to me, but then again I haven’t seen the “A.K.” documentary or other short bits of the making of the film for a long time.



I have the AK documentary, but I have not sat down and watched it. So many movies, so little time.



What Kurosawa documentary are you two referring to? I have seen “my life in film”(I believe it what its called) and “Its wonderful to create” both have nearly no footage of the making of Ran or other films

I like this editing feature, I just used it twice, shows how bad I am


Vili Maunula

Jeremy — there is a documentary called “A.K.” on the making of Ran by Chris Maker. See IMDb and Amazon.com

Glad you are enjoying the editing! 😉

And yes, BMWRider — so many movies, so little time.



Cant believe I never knew of such a movie, looks like it wont be easy to get here in the US, but I’ll look more into it.

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