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Zoom Tokyo Story

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    It seems Ozu’s editing style is perfect for modern communications –

    Tokyo Story as a Zoom conversation.

    I’m wondering what an equivalent would be for Kurosawa’s style….


    Patrick Galvan

    That was a very amusing video.

    Now, of course, if we are to communicate truly Ozu-style, we’d have to place our computers about a foot and a half off the floor, re-arrange all of the furniture in the frame, make sure the ceiling’s not visible, put something nice to look at outside the windows, etc. And, of course, everything we say has to be choreographed down to the last little inflection.



    This is pretty hilarious. 😆

    And indeed, what would the Kurosawa equivalent be? A call where people don’t quite hear each other because of technical problems, talk over one another when there are no such issues, and misunderstand the little that they hear of each other? Isn’t the difficulty of truly connecting with one another one of the underlying themes of Kurosawa’s films?

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