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TSPDT's 1000 Greatest Films listing updated

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    TSPDT (They Shoot Pictures, Don’t They) is a website that aggregates those “best films of all times” lists that publications, critics and filmmakers so like to make. It puts them all together, applies some witchcraft (or maybe maths), and spits out what could be considered a fairly authoritative list of films that could really be considered greatest.

    You may have heard about the website, maybe from me. I really like it. Not because I agree with the list, but because it’s a great source to have when you feel like watching something great.

    TSPDT has now published an updated version of its 1000 Greatest Films listing, with 225 lists added to the database. Citizen Kane continues to keep the top spot, while Seven Samurai remains number 9. Altogether twelve Kurosawa films now appear in the top 1000, with Dreams a new entrant at 979. Most of the Kurosawa films appear to have lost a few places on the list. I wonder what that means.

    The Magnificent Seven also got into the top 1000, now ranking as number 987. The full updated list of films can be found here.



    All movie lists, including chomei’s, (especially chomei’s?!) are suspect and subjective. chomei prefers to pick movies listlessly.

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