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Toho In The US


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    I am trying to contact Toho and I am wondering if they have an office or some sort of representative in the United States. If anybody can think of a US company they go through please let me know and I will track them down.





    Hi Adam!

    I tried to look around a little but came up with no answer to your question. Jeremy, who knows infinitely more about these things than I do, might have you an answer, but I’m not sure if he wasn’t swept away by the hurricane Ike!

    Another option would be to contact Toho themselves: http://www.toho.co.jp/mail/. I’m sure someone in the organisation should speak English.

    I think that that the right party to contact may also depend on what your reason of contacting them is.



    Toho does have an entity in the U.S. but to my knowledge there is no specfic office, contact, nor website. Everything I believe is still done from Toho Japan.

    From what I can recall, they simply have a registered business in the U.S. in order to uphold contracts with American studios, but it’s entirely a paperwork thing, done by a law firm that deals in movies.

    I write this from a computer that doesnt contain my notes of these matters, but when I get to that computer late Monday and find anything I have forgotten, I’ll be sure to yet you know. There are English readers at Toho Japan, and the link Vili give is a good first try.

    Although I wouldnt expect an answer from them, especially if the topic matter calls for some specfic information.

    I’m fairly sure however, I even have a specfic contact person, that I talked to in the past that was quite helpful in answering some questions.



    Hello – I just read an interview with Stuart Galbraith and he mentioned Toho having an office in Century City in California. I googled a bit and easily found a news item http://www.varietyasiaonline.com/content/view/1974/53/ and perhaps some contact info:

    Toho Company Limited

    2029 Century Park E Ste 1150

    Los Angeles, CA

    (310) 277-1081

    Hope this helps.



    Good job, deconstruct. I was unaware they had a location.

    Interestingly it’s the very building that the law firm Katten Muchin Rosenman is in. I wonder if this is the law firm that I mentioned, Toho was going though for contracts.

    I’ve had to go there a few times actually before they had a Texas office that was could deal with intellectual property issues dealing with entertainment.

    Adam, where you a member of DVXuser.com?

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