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The Sukaiwaka Fortress

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    by ssj

    Original movie title: The Hidden Fortress
    Genres: Adventure, samurai
    Fanedit type: Fanmix
    Original release date: 1958
    Original running time: 139 minutes
    Fanedit release date: September 2016
    Fanedit running time: 127 minutes

    Star Wars, the prodigal son of The Hidden Fortress, comes home to Papa. Through the music of John Williams and numerous subtitle changes, The Hidden Fortress is transformed into a Star Wars experience.

    • to rescore (but not entirely replace) The Hidden Fortress with music from Star Wars
    • to rename major characters and places with starwarsian names: Princess Reia, General Kenobi, Atu, Situri, and more
    • to make the edit family-friendly by removing a questionable scene and all curse words, and by rewriting dialogue for certain scenes
    • to repurpose memorable dialogue from Star Wars
    • and to improve the story’s pacing.

    Other sources: Various Star Wars original motion picture soundtracks
    The Empire Strikes Back—Imperial Audiophile Edition by ABC
    Distant Heavy Waterfall sound effect from freesfx.co.uk

    Thanks: to ThrowgnCpr for invaluable feedback on sound editing and for a magnificent cover; to Junko for tending to my Japanese script; to Vultural for feedback on the trailer; to ABC for creating the IAE and to darthrush for pointing the way; to Vili for spreading the word; to blueyoda, Gatos, Neglify, and njvc for inspiration; and to reave for being reave.

    Thanks also to addiesin, thecuddlyninja, dangermouse, DigModiFicaTion, DominicCobb, Dwight Fry, Flixcapacitor, JJE-187, Kal-El, Slart, Spaced Ranger, TMBTM, TM2YC, TV’s Frink, Ugetsu, Vultural, yo_yojimbo.

    And to Kurosawa Akira, George Lucas, and John Williams for all the amazing movies and music.

    Release details:
    Video: H.264 MP4, 1280 x 534 and 1920 x 800
    Feature audio: stereo, 256 kbps AAC
    Commentary audio: stereo, 128 kpbs AAC

    Special features: It Is Wonderful to Chronohop, a making-of featurette
    Commentary track

    Changes—cuts and additions

    • music from Star Wars Episodes I, IV, V, VI, VII
    • 44 new subtitles
    • custom title screen and end credits

    • 217 subtitles, generally to add Star Wars flavor but also to make the edit more family-friendly
    • full names presented surname first

    • several scenes of climbing and descending hills
    • bickering in the ditch
    • bits of overacting
    • less interesting parts of the spear fight
    • discussion of violating the princess
    • any singing beyond the fire festival
    • serial horseback arrivals to the overlook






    hi, everyone! the sukaiwaka unwakens!

    if you’d like to see the edit, and you own a legit copy of The Hidden Fortress, please private message me at fanedit.org (registration is free) or direct message me through twitter (@handofasclepius).

    the 720p version is just under 4 GB; the 1080p version will be about 6.5 GB and will be released next week.

    and once you’ve seen the edit, please consider dropping a review at fanedit.org or here. thanks!



    thanks again to vili for the hospitality ’round these parts. 🙂



    Looking forward to watching this, ssj! I’m currently on a short trip in the middle of nowhere, but I’ll do a post about this next week to help spread the word. 🙂



    no worries, man! i hope it provides a bit o’ enjoyment.

    safe travels, and kiitos-gozaimasu.



    amendments to the first post:

    • to rescore The Hidden Fortress with music from Star Wars [syntax error as it was originally written]
    • to repurpose select dialogue from Star Wars

    • parts of the spear fight




    I tried to DM you through twitter, but that seems to be disabled.



    thanks for the interest, smithcraft! will DM you the keys to the fortress shortly.

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