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Server issues

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    November has been a somewhat rough ride with the server that this website is hosted on. In short, there has been more downtime than I would like to see. As a result of this, I would much appreciate if you could answer the following two questions:

    1. Have you encountered problems this month when trying to connect to akirakurosawa.info? (Such as a slow connection or the site not loading at all.)

    2. Have you lost posts because of these problems?

    (By the way, if you press “submit post” and get an error page, you can — at least on Firefox — press “back” and the post that you wrote will still be there in the text box. Another thing to do, which I do not only here but on any other forum, is to copy everything that I wrote before hitting the submit button, just to have it as a backup in case something goes wrong with the submit.)

    Apologies for the inconvenience any possible downtime may have caused. I am currently considering my options regarding the current hosting arrangement.

    [This post is a case in point. This is the third time I’m trying to post it.]



    1. Yes, over the last few days its been down a few times.

    2. Not that I’ve noticed



    1. Yes, over the last few days its been down a few times.

    2. Yes, lost post about two hours ago



    I’m really sorry for the problems, even if I don’t actually have much to do with them (apart from having chosen the host). It makes me especially sad and annoyed that we have lost one of Coco’s posts — that’s definitely not something that I would like to see happening.

    I’ll keep monitoring the situation. No host is perfect, and downtime is inevitable, but this month has been quite poor indeed — and especially so the last couple of days.



    No worries, Vili. The site is usually surprisingly workable, and always has something of interest happening. As you said:

    No host is perfect, and downtime is inevitable…

    Reading reactions to remakes, learning about new projects, checking the car crash that is the AK100 site and reacting in this forum, and having the benefit of these fresh discussions of Kurosawa’s films…is such a magnificent treat and a pleasure, that normal technical glitches seem very minor.

    And, you are an incredible host. Just look at the voices and what they have brought to the table! Fascinating discussions!

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