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Remake ??

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    Are you kidding me, a remake of Ikiru ?? Who could understand the deep meaning of AK’s film in today’s world ? Especially, in Hollywood !! Most of what Hollywood makes today is totally without any meaning. Sensationalism is what makes money for this community. And what is expected from this community. Last time I look “A man for all seasons” was the last time I look for any meaningful . Maybe “The Elephant Man” is an exception. Hollywood promotes and produces monsters and myths.

    Am I wrong ?

    Tom Wiseman



    I must admit it doesn’t worry me so much – I think reinterpreting classics is quite legitimate – it often shows just how good the classics were in the first place in that they are rarely topped! If a remake causes people to look again at Ikiru, then I’d be happy with that.

    Unless of course it stars Robin Williams…..

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