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'My Favourite Film' series – Seven Samurai

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    Just a link for you here – in the Guardians excellent ‘my favourite film’ series (where Guardian journalists talk about the film that means most to them), there is a nice entry here on Seven Samurai.



    Thanks for the link, Ugetsu!

    How’s your DVD player? 🙂



    Thanks Vili… its working now… bizarrely it just started working as normal yesterday, it must have been a software issue.

    My PC (I don’t own a TV) is a Sony Viao, out of warranty, I’ve been trying to find somewhere that would fix it without charging a fortune or keeping it for a few weeks until Sony send the parts. The problem is that it has a ‘slot’ type dvd, and it swallowed up ‘Shutter Island’ (always those damned Scorsese movies causing problems) and refused to release it. I was told that its too risky to attempt to dismantle it, in case dust gets on the internals of the screen.

    Yesterday, after a long phone conversation with a guy at the authorized Viao repair centre here, I decided that it would be cheaper and simpler to just buy separate dvd driver and use that instead. I did… and the pc refused to accept the new driver. But in trying various ways to get it to accept, there was a little ‘whrrr’, and it coughed up Shutter Island! It now works perfectly I have no idea why or how it did that – I can only think that there was a software issue and that an automatic update cured it.

    Anyway, I’ll be away the weekend, so hopefully if its still working when I get back, I’ll be able to catch up on the film club!



    I have seen that film. WOw it was nice.



    I’m glad to hear things are working again, Ugetsu!

    I’m still waiting for my copy of Ugetsu to arrive. It may have gotten caught in the Christmas traffic.



    I’m a bit dubious about some of B&N’s claims about mailing – twice I’ve ordered from them, and twice it took more than 2 weeks to arrive after they claimed it was sent (usually mail from the US to Ireland just takes 2 or 3 days).

    Anyway, I’m off now for a few days (a mix of work and family things), will be looking forward to catching up on my viewing when I get back on Tuesday. I hope my dvd player is still working when I get back!

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