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Motorcycles in Kurosawa’s movies?

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    Can anyone think of a Kurosawa film other than “Scandal” with a motorcycle in it? I was approached by a director of an Italian museum who is organizing an exhibition about motorcycles in films, and all I can think of is “Scandal”.

    While none of the other films, as far as I can remember, have a motorcycle at the centre of the action, I’m pretty sure other films have bikes in, so to speak, “lesser roles”.



    I have pondered on this all day and can think of none. I may have to make this a project next holiday.



    You wouldn’t be able to tell me what the model of the bike in “Scandal” is? I was asked about this, but know next to nothing about things on wheels, so I have no idea.



    I’ll try to take a look and see if I can figure it out. I am not real expert on Japanese bikes.





    Master Thief

    In High & Low when the police report on the search for the Toyopet car, there is a cut to a motorcycle cop pulling over one of these cars.



    Thanks, Master Thief!



    Just in case you have missed it, the museum director has posted a separate request for posters/images in this topic.

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