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Kurosawa’s paintings

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    Hello all, nice to meet you.

    I’ve long really loved Kurosawa’s paintings, particularly some of the battle scenes he did for Ran, and a couple landscape ones he did for Dreams. I have searched online periodically over the years for places that have the license to reproduce decent prints, but I’ve never been able to find anywhere that does it.

    I would like to get something that’s actually nice, not like a printed copy that I could do at home lol. I find it hard to believe there wouldn’t be a market for that, so there must be some group that holds the rights to these & licenses out work.

    ANYWAYS, I did find kurosawa-drawings.com referenced on this site, but I’m not sure how reliable that place is as it isn’t a secure https:, plus the prices seem really low (altho it’s hard for me to know because my browser translations are brutal) (btw I’m in Canada if that matters)

    Thanks guys, girls & theys.



    Hi logan! I don’t really know if the kurosawa-drawings.com website is still maintained, but have you tried contacting them through the email provided on the website, or the company HoriPro directly? HoriPro is the official licensor of Kurosawa’s artwork. They were also involved with the recent Ikiru musical, as a far as I remember.

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