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Keep it simple, but give me a avatar :)


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    I absolutely love the setup, but when this site becomes more active. I think its better to add a bit of personality to a person post with a small picture by their name. Based on some other forums it offers a bit more life, rather then a lifeless post from an unknown.

    I wouldn’t care for any other feature, they only go to clutter and become abused. Avatars are feel are actually useful. If its not much trouble I feel a avatar should be considered.



    Ok, your wish is my command, or something along those lines anyway… 🙂 I’ll see to it, although as always I will need to weigh different options regarding how to best implement this feature. Shouldn’t take long, though!



    It took me a while, as there was no properly working solution available (only many half-good ones), so I ended up half-writing my own avatar plugin. I hope that it works now — I have spent a grand total of 10 minutes testing it!

    In order to set yourself an avatar, go to “Your profile” (there should be a link in the top-left corner of your screen) and open the “Your avatar” leaf under the “Profile” section that should already be open. Then simply browse for the image in your hard drive, and you are good to go.

    In case your image is larger than 100 pixels in either direction, the image will be resized (but the width/height aspect ratio will be maintained).

    Tell me in case you encounter problems with it.



    This is a design-related test.



    Do you think that the maximum size of the Avatars (now 100×100 pixels) is too large?



    ^^ that call is up to you, it is a little big, perhaps 75×75 or 80×80 would look better. Personally the size make no difference, just thought the use of avatar really makes a difference.

    Thanks for your effort in creating the ability.



    I think I’ll keep the maximum size as 100×100 for now. This way, avatars shaped like yours will still have enough display area to make them viewable.



    I just realized how goofy I look in my picture, need to get a more recent one soon. I think your right, keeping the way it is, wide aspect pictures will fit better this way

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