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IMDb video: Akira Kurosawa – Director Supercut

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    IMDb has posted a YouTube video titled “Akira Kurosawa – Director Supercut”, asking the question “Which Kurosawa film is your favourite?”

    The video doesn’t really say much and doesn’t even feature my favourite Kurosawa film, but it’s always nice for a legend of film history to give the nod to another legend of film history.

    Speaking of videos with nods, HBO Max has meanwhile tweeted a video of director Zack Snyder’s hand-picked list of favourite films, which includes Seven Samurai.



    So which Kurosawa film is your favorite that wasn’t featured in this montage? I remember that you’re not all that fond of my favorite (Seven Samurai), but I don’t remember which one is your favorite.



    My favourite Kurosawa film would be One Wonderful Sunday. I’m not saying it’s his best, but for various reasons it’s the one that I love the most.



    I love One Wonderful Sunday too. I’ve never understood why its so glossed over by so many writers and critics.

    Incidentally, the one good thing about clicking links like that (its very good), is that the youtube algo’s bring up lots of interesting other Kurosawa pieces.

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