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Going to Japan–Kurosawa Museum ?

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    I will go to Tokyo,Japan sometime in November for 2 weeks maybe more(money depended). I am just going to go with nothing but a backpack, and cash. The basic plan is wonder aimlessly doing/seeing as much as I can within the time period, with no set place and just sleeping in hostels. I done this in other countries with much success, fun and little expense

    My only one agenda is to visit some keys areas of Japanese directors, I have heard of a huge Kurosawa Museum in Imari planning to be built, but I cant find anything about its completion. Does anyone have any information about it beside this link and the ones from many years back.


    Also if you any advice on Japan feel free to let me know, as I have no actual plan and open to anywhere/anything. I do need to begin making arrangements and buy the plane ticket soon.

    I noticed the plane ticket will be my biggest expense, I found that booking a tour with a group includes flight,food and hotel for cheaper then just a normal plane ticket. I dont want to travel with anyone or see what they see, can you book a tour and break from it, never seeing the group again? –off topic I know, but figured I’ll ask anyways

    My research is in the early stages and I know I’ll find information by myself, but personal opinions would be more helpful and lead to more specific areas and ideas to search



    As far as I understand, the Kurosawa museum is in something of a development hell at the moment. Or at least I haven’t really heard anything about it for a while.

    I’ll get back to you with some tips about Japan once I get an Internet connection. My phone connection died on me two days ago, and it’s until sometime next week that they will connect the ADSL that I ordered.



    As far as I understand, the Kurosawa museum is in something of a development hell at the moment. Or at least I haven’t really heard anything about it for a while.

    I’ll get back to you with some tips about Japan once I get an Internet connection. My phone connection died on me two days ago, and it’s until sometime next week that they will connect the ADSL that I ordered.



    I was doing some more research about it, the Japanese version of the site it mentions completion planned for 2008, the English version 2007. I was reading old articles about it and they mention it was suppose to be done in 2003,2004,2005. So I dont have much hope for its completion before I go. There is still the small satellite museum in Imari, that I will see, but there hasnt been a update regarding anything about it since early 2006.

    The emails I have sent seem to avoid answering when the new museum will be completed. I would really like to know, what to expect as traveling to Imari from Tokyo will take about 5 hours one way. Guess I just make the trip worthwhile and stop at Kyoto,Hiroshima, and Fukuoka. I will have the foreigner train pass, so traveling by train is no problem, the rest I’ll just hitchhike.

    Any tips about anything would be helpful, am fairly familiar with the basic customs,and my Japanese is poor but enough to get around, just cant read anything.

    I’ve been there before but this is the first time I will go solo, and wondering far away from Tokyo.



    I haven’t been to the Imari museum, but I understand it to be rather small. Whether it is worth the long trip, I don’t know.

    The train pass was something I was going to suggest to you. If you go to Kyoto, make sure to stop in Nara as well.

    It really helps if you study some 100-200 of the most basic kanji before you go. The meanings are fairly easy to memorize (pronunciations you won’t need for reading), and knowing things like numbers, directions, place names and such makes your travelling much easier, trust me. Even if in most of the public transport you have romanized spellings as well.

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