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For sale: Signed ‘Ran’ poster

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    I don’t normally encourage people to sell their stuff via this website, but here is an item that I thought some of you might be interested in, so I thought I’d pass on the information.

    Jan Kaplan wrote me a few days ago and kindly asked if I knew anyone interested in a poster of ‘Ran’ signed by Kurosawa when the director visited the National Film Theatre in London on the 2nd of March, 1986.

    Writes Kaplan:

    Following the interview, I approached Mr Kurosawa and asked him to sign my copy of the ‘Ran’ poster, which he very kindly did (please, see the low res. attachment).

    The signed poster belongs amongst the most treasured posessions in my collection of movie memorabilia, but for various personal reasons, I wish to sell it now.

    You will need to take his word on its authenticity, though. When I asked about it, he remarked:

    I do not have any concrete proof of authenticity, apart from my word of honour that I have personally obtained the autograph from Mr Akira Kurosawa on the occasion of his appearance at the National Film Theatre in London. Who knows, but there even may be (somwhere) a photograph of me and him in process signing the poster outside the exit from the NFT (I wish!), but to date I haven’t come across any such photos – but maybe someone will come up with something after seeing the notice on your website.

    I would like to reassure you that this is 100% genuine article, but If a potential buyer wishes to commission (at his or her own expense) an expert assessment by a Japanese graphologist, they are more than welcome. I will more than happily supply a hi res photo of the autograph.

    If you are interested in the item, please direct all inquiries to honzakaplan(at)post.cz.

    Here is a detail of the poster:

    Ran poster signed

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