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Film Forum previews

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    Lewis Saul

    As a favor for a dear friend of mine, I have been contributing blog posts on the 29 Kurosawa films being shown at the Film Forum this month and next…

    The Best American Poetry blog

    Each “preview” is posted two days before the film is scheduled to be shown at the Forum.

    I have already done:

    1. Stray Dog

    2. Throne of Blood

    3. Hidden Fortress

    4. The Idiot

    5. Sugata I

    6. Sugata II

    7. One Wonderful Sunday

    8. They Who Tread

    9. Ikiru

    I will posting I Live in Fear tonight and the remainder two days before each film is scheduled to be shown.

    Lew Saul

    P.S. Click on “Movies” on the subject list on the left…


    Lewis Saul

    btw, for some reason, the Forum is NOT showing Madadayo!!



    I really like your writing style, Lewis, and wish you had time to be more involved, here! (I just read the Ikiru blog!) Nicely done.

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)


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