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Film Club: Stray Dog

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    The server seems to be having some issues that prevent me from posting news articles, including an introduction to this month’s film club film, Stray Dog. In the weekend, I will take a closer look at what’s going on, but until then, let me just welcome you to September’s edition of the film club and link to these previous discussions that we have had on the film:

    A Brief Analysis of the Silent Undercover Scene

    The End

    Sexuality and the Case of the Murdered Woman

    The Title



    Great flick, sometimes I want to call into work and watch Stray Dog. Some would say this is the passing of the Torch from Shimura to Mifune in the Kurosawa-Gumi. However, I tend to believe Shimura was a role player and no matter what capacity, he made it work.

    Whether it be a brief but memorable role in High and Low or his performance in Ikiru, which he dominates the screen even when he is not on it, Shimura is actor I wish ever actor could be. Stray Dog is no exception, when he is in the records room, sweating, no matter how high the AC is on at my house, I feel the heat. I want to grab his fan and wave it in front of my face.

    This would make a great double feature with Drunken Angel. Getting to see the tandem of Mifune and Shimura play the law and the lawless.

    Thank you for your time.

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