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Euro 2008

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    Is anyone else currently glued to the TV set every day for 5 hours? 😛

    If yes, it would be interesting to hear what teams you are rooting for! I’ve always supported France, myself.

    (And for the Americans amongst us, I’m referring to this.) 😉


    Jon Hooper

    Not exactly a footie fanatic here, but I will catch a few games and certainly the last few. Here in Greece all everyone talks about is the time a couple of years back when Greece fluked it – well, perhaps fluked isn’t the word they’d choose. Are they in it this time round?



    Yes, Greece will be starting their campaign tomorrow. Their winning the trophy four years ago is still talked about quite a bit in the Euro circles.

    The hope actually is that they won’t do it again this time, or if they do, then at least by playing with a style that doesn’t bore everyone to death like last time. 😉



    I watched a few minutes of a few games with my brother. I dont really like soccer or any sport for that matter, but my brother is a big futbol/soccer/whatever it’s called fan.

    The only one I watched all the way though was the Germany Vs. Poland, I thought it funny on many levels, maybe I’m just sick.



    Well, all my favourite teams are out of the tournament by now, but there’s been some pretty good football so far. Saturday’s match between Holland and Russia promises to be quite something, and I would warmly recommend it to everyone. Both teams play excellent, attacking football, which is really beautiful to watch.

    Of course, now that I have recommended it, it will probably finish 0-0, with both teams defending like hell. 😛



    Just by chance I happened to watch the European Championship final and the amazing goal by Spain. That was one pretty sweet goal.

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