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David Bordwell in Japan


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    Vili, if this isn’t worthy of its own topic, please feel free to amend this. But David Bordwell is a fascinating academic writer on cinema, whose mind-expanding ‘Film Art’ I read and ruminated upon about a year ago. His blog entries can be rather dense in content, but are usually quite instructive.

    Anyway, his most recent blog entries (at davidbordwell.net/blog/) have been on the topic of his current visit to Japan, with some enjoyable although brief comments about Mifune, Richie, Ozu, Mizoguchi, etc., that others here might appreciate.



    Recommendations like these are always welcome! I did, however, move the discussion to the “Links” forum.

    Thanks for the link!


    Lewis Saul

    It’s a shame he won’t allow comments.

    I wanted to say how exciting it is to learn of a new Mizoguchi film!

    Although I think I own everything that is commercially available, I certainly do not own a copy of Orizuru Osen.

    I truly envy these scholars who get access to such jewels!

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