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Criterion Sale at Barnes & Noble

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    For all of us in the US I want to point out that right now Barnes & Noble is currently having a 50% off Criterion Collection DVD sale. It’s a great time to pick up some of those Kurosawa films you might want to add to your collection. This includes the AK100 box set. Enjoy!



    It could even be of interest for folks outside the USA, thanks for the information.

    By the way, do we know when does this offer end?



    I believe it runs through the end of November. They do these a couple of times a year. It’s my favorite sale.



    I always get very excited about these B&N Criterion sales, but for some reason have never actually ended up buying anything. Too much good stuff to choose from, I suppose!



    They are at it again! 50% off all Criterion titles at Barnes & Noble.

    This includes the High and Low blu-ray that will be out in a couple of weeks’ time!



    Thanks! I ordered Throne of Blood and Yojimbo. Also, The Quiet Duel is available from one of their affiliated sellers, so I ordered that as well.



    Thanks for the link – I’ve ordered the blu-ray High and Low and Yojimbo, can’t wait to get them!



    It’s that time of the year again: Criterion Sale at Barnes & Noble! All now 50% off, including the various Kurosawa titles.

    A Kurosawa film: there is no better Christmas propagan…. ummm…. I mean, gift for your loved ones!!

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