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Criterion announces FilmStruck replacement Criterion Channel

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    You may have heard that FilmStruck, the streaming service that exclusively includes Criterion’s catalogue, is closing doors later this month. It’s a shame, as I had very much been looking forward to its rumoured expansion to Europe.

    Fortunately, Criterion doesn’t seem to be going anywhere from the streaming space. They have now announced a new service called the Criterion Channel, fully owned and controlled by Criterion themselves, unlike with FilmStruck or Hulu, where the catalogue first appeared.

    The service will launch first in the US and Canada, “rolling out additional territories over time”. I really hope that they could secure global streaming rights to their titles.

    More information about the Criterion Channel plans can be found in Criterion’s announcement.



    I put myself on the list, I’ll pay for a year long subscription.



    just received a gift subscription to the criterion channel. during the next six months, i plan to binge on kurosawa, bresson, antonioni, bong, and ozu. some channel collections (e.g., seven samurai, yojimbo) include streaming commentary tracks and other DVD/blu-ray-level extras, features not found on streaming services like netflix (netflix with DVD rental is another matter).

    current kurosawa offerings (my understanding is that the channel’s offerings change somewhat from month to month):
    the bad sleep well
    dersu uzala
    drunken angel
    the hidden fortress
    high and low
    the idiot
    i live in fear/record of a living being
    the lower depths
    the men who tread on the tiger’s tail
    the most beautiful
    no regrets for our youth
    one wonderful sunday
    red beard
    sanshiro sugata
    sanshiro sugata, part two
    seven samurai
    stray dog
    throne of blood

    time for me to catch up on a bunch of kurosawa films i’d been meaning to see. currently watching i live in fear.

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