Audience Response to the Nature/Society Binary in Kurosawa's Dersu Uzala: An Observational Onli
7 July 2013
10 July 2013
Interesting – I studied geography for my primary degree and I loved it and considered for a while doing a post grad in it, but unfortunately it never occurred to me I could use it as an excuse to watch films! I have to confess though that I can barely understand what the abstract means.
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I haven’t really had the time to read this, but based on the Abstract and the Conclusion, anyone interested in Dersu Uzala might want to take a look at a new MA thesis by Laura L. Sharp uploaded to University of Kentucky’s web servers. It’s titled Audience Response to the Nature/Society Binary in Kurosawa’s Dersu Uzala: An Observational Online Ethnography, was submitted earlier this year, and can be downloaded as a pdf file.
Here is the abstract:
Dersu Uzala will be our film club title exactly a year from now, in July 2014.