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Another Questions From Another Stranger

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    Hello everyone,

    This is my first topic here, so firstly I would like to thank creators of this wonderful site. It helps me a lot in gaining knowledge that I need. There are a lot of useful informations, but I still have few questions.

    Where can I find less popular classic Japanese films with English subtitles?

    Where can I find all Kurosawa’s storyboards in high resolution?

    What are the best books about the golden age of Japanese cinema?

    What was Kurosawa’s hat and why he used to wear dark sunglasses even indoors (in interviews)?



    Hi Marek, and thank you for your kind words!

    Criterion has released a lot of Japanese classics for the North American market, so I would definitely check their catalogue. Samurai DVD is also a pretty good source for lesser known classics with English subtitles. Although their catalogue is fairly focused on samurai films, like the name suggests.

    The best way to appreciate Kurosawa’s storyboards is probably through one of the art books that collect them.

    There are quite a number of books on the golden age of Japanese cinema. Is there a particular topic, genre or director that you are interested in?

    It has been noted that Kurosawa started wearing sunglasses and the hat after meeting with John Ford in 1957, effectively copying the American director’s style. However, it has also been said that Kurosawa was suffering from glaucoma, and therefore actually needed to protect his eyes also indoors.



    Thank you very much!

    I have to admit that I’m interested in literally every topic somehow connected with the famous golden age of Japanese cinema. However, jidai-geki is perhaps my favourite genre. “Harakiri” is probably my favourite movie of all time…

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