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Anniversary promotion

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    Hi guys, I’ve been away for a long time, but kept on following on RSS.

    I just wanted to share something funny I found here in Japan – part of the AK100 celebrations..



    Haha! Thanks Diego, that’s definitely funny. 😆 And a good offer too, I think!

    Have you seen anything else in connection with the AK100 year? Do people talk about the centenary year in Japan, or are they unaware of it?



    Can someone translate the sign, or at least tell me what it’s about?



    Unless I’m terribly mistaken, it’s a Kurosawa centenary lunch box sale! From July 1 to 20 (only two days left!) you can get these delicious lunch boxes for 550 yen or 260 yen, depending on which one you want, all because Kurosawa was born a little over a hundred years ago! (Actually, I think that the one on the right is a rice cake.)

    I’m afraid I can’t make out what the small text next to the offerings says, but I bet it’s something yummy. See how the zombie director is zooming in for them through his view finder! It must be good!

    I wonder though, did no one tell them that Kurosawa actually preferred steak? 😛

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