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Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams Estate/rights

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    Dear all,

    I am a pos-graduated in Contemporary Studies of Art (UFF-Rio de Janeiro) developing an nonprofit exhibition about conceptual gardens inspired in Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams film.The main goal is to create little gardens inspired by the film to offer to society a reflection about our relation with Nature.

    Could you please tell me if I need to request film’s copyright/estate to carry out this project? In case of yes, do you know the immediate contact in this regard?

    Many thanks in advance and happy day to all,

    Sabina Simon



    Hi Sabina, thanks for reaching out. Your project sounds really interesting! While pictures can probably never do justice to a project like this, please send us some images or a link when this becomes reality! I’d love to visit a garden inspired by a Kurosawa film, especially when made with the goals that you mentioned.

    As for the rights, I would think that there are two things to consider: how similar the gardens will be to the ones found in the film, and how you would like to market and talk about them. I’ll send you an email that might help you move forward with this.

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