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Akira Kurosawa font

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    Here’s an interesting example of Kurosawa’s continuing influence on artists and designers. There is a new font called Tongari that was inspired by samurai swords. It comes in two versions, which both have seven different font weights. Each weight is named after one of the actors who played the seven samurai in Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai.

    And the cursive versions are, naturally, named after the actors who played their counterparts in The Magnificent Seven.

    The font was designed by Émilie Rigaud and you can find out more about it at A is for Fonts.



    Thats a very lovely font. I’ve been growing very tired of san serifs thanks to the rigidly ugly font and layout my employer insists I use for everything I write. That font looks perfect for writing anything with a Japanese theme.



    I would love to support this guy, but at $725 there is no way. I get that he is after commercial users, sadly I am not made of money.

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