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AFI’s new “Top 100”

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    The American Film Institute has come up with a new “Top 100 American movies” list to replace their 1997 one. In case you haven’t already seen this somewhere, here’s the new list:

    #100: Ben-Hur

    #99: Toy Story

    #98: Yankee Doodle Dandy

    #97: Blade Runner

    #96: Do the Right Thing

    #95: The Last Picture Show

    #94: Pulp Fiction

    #93: The French Connection

    #92: Goodfellas

    #91: Sophie’s Choice

    #90: Swing Time

    #89: The Sixth Sense

    #88: Bringing Up Baby

    #87: 12 Angry Men

    #86: Platoon

    #85: A Night at the Opera

    #84: Easy Rider

    #83: Titanic

    #82: Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans

    #81: Sparticus

    #80: The Apartment

    #79: The Wild Bunch

    #78: Modern Times

    #77: All the Presidents Men

    #76: Forest Gump

    #75: In the Heat of the Night

    #74: Silence of the Lambs

    #73: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

    #72: The Shawshank Redemption

    #71: Saving Private Ryan

    #70: A Clockwork Orange

    #69: Tootsie

    #68: Unforgiven

    #67: Who’s Afraid of Virgina Woolf

    #66: Raiders of the Lost Ark

    #65: The African Queen

    #64: Network

    #63: Cabaret

    #62: American Graffiti

    #61: Sullivan’s Travels

    #60: Duck Soup

    #59: Nashville

    #58: The Gold Rush

    #57: Rocky

    #56: Jaws

    #55: North by Northwest

    #54: M*A*S*H

    #53: The Deer Hunter

    #52: Taxi Driver

    #51: West Side Story

    #50: LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring

    #49: Intolerance

    #48: Rear Window

    #47: A Streetcar Named Desire

    #46: It Happened One Night

    #45: Shane

    #44: The Philadelphia Story

    #43: Midnight Cowboy

    #42: Bonnie and Clyde

    #41: King Kong (33)

    #40: The Sound of Music

    #39: Dr. Strangelove

    #38: The Treasue of Sierra Madre

    #37: The Best Years of Our Lives

    #36: The Bridge on the River Kwai

    #35: Annie Hall

    #34: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    #33: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

    #32: The Godfather Part II

    #31: The Maltese Falcon

    #30: Apocalypse Now

    #29: Double Indemnity

    #28: All About Eve

    #27: High Noon

    #26: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

    #25: To Kill A Mockingbird

    #24: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

    #23: The Grapes of Wrath

    #22: Some Like it Hot

    #21: Chinatown

    #20: It’s a Wonderful Life

    #19: On the Waterfront

    #18: The General

    #17: The Graduate

    #16: Sunset Blvd.

    #15: 2001 A Space Odyssey

    #14: Psycho

    #13: Star Wars

    #12: The Searchers

    #11: City Lights

    #10: The Wizard of Oz

    #09: Vertigo

    #08: Schindler’s List

    #07: Lawrence of Arabia

    #06: Gone With The Wind

    #05: Singing in the Rain

    #04: Raging Bull

    #03: Casablanca

    #02: The Godfather

    #01: Citizen Kane



    Some I think shouldnt be listed(sixth sense), other need to be father down or up(shawshank top 5) the list, but overall a nice list of American movies.

    Glad to see one of my favorites Casablanca breaking the top 3, as for Citizen Kane it was a important film for the time, how it was made, its topic matter, and innovative directing. A top 100 for sure but I dont think it deserves #1, I cant understand, what people find in that movie.

    Did I count right Kubrick with the most mentions and then Hitchcock ?

    And speaking of lists, popmaster has a list of most own DVDs, I agree with 60% of them, but atleast Kurosawa gets two mentions




    I missed the actual TV show counting down the list this time, but it was a big deal back in 1997 for a young starry eyed movie geek.

    It isn’t a bad list really, it was just what I would expect from AFI, although I am really surprised about “The Sixth Sense.” I consider that to be a very mediocre film.

    Frankly I find a lot of these films boring.

    And I’m sorry I hope I don’t offend anyone but I really hate “The Wizard Of Oz.” I will never understand why that film is so beloved. I am a fan of the books though.

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