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Some website updates

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    I’ve done a minor update on the website theme. Among other things, comment preview functionality, the formatting toolbar and emojis should be working again. 😎

    Do let me know if something isn’t right, though. You can either reply to this topic or, if you can’t log in or post, alert me by email: admin[at]akirakurosawa.info.



    This is a test reply to the topic.



    Here’s another test post. In my ongoing effort to drag this website kicking and screaming to the 2010s (just in time for the 2020s!), this evening the website is being updated to use HTTP over SSL, which means that either everything breaks down, or if it doesn’t, your browser should no longer complain about unsecure connections when you log in, and you’ll get a nice little image of a lock in your browser’s URL bar as well!

    Also, the IT technician at your work will no longer be able to eavesdrop when you post a comment here. They’ll have to visit the website like everyone else to read your film studies masterpiece.


    O.P.S. Teller

    I was using this forum post as a reference about the use of weather in Kurosawa’s works for the past two days (for a project due this afternoon), and today it only shows the question (no replies). Is this related to the changes that were made yesterday?

    P.S.: Oddly, I am able to search certain key words that I remember reading, and they show up in the results, but they don’t show on the page anymore. I was thinking perhaps I had to register in order to view the replies now, but they still won’t show even though I have done so.



    Thanks for the heads-up, OPS Teller! It’s no doubt related to something that I did this morning when I moved things around a bit at the back-end. The replies should show up now again. (?)

    Sorry about that and thanks again for noticing it. I need to go through the database and see what else may have got temporarily lost.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)


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