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Two Seven Samurai remake news

Geeks of Doom has published an interview with screenwriter John Fusco, and although the bulk of the article centres on The Forbidden Kingdom, they also talk about the Seven Samurai remake that he is writing for the Weinsteins.

Rather than quoting extensively, I will instead direct you to the full article. The Seven Samurai related questions begin about half-way down the page.

For those who are too lazy to click a link, the basic summary would be that Fusco has written a draft for the Weinsteins that in his words is more of a re-imagining of the classic round-up movie than an actual remake of Seven Samurai, although there apparently are “a few respectful bows” to Kurosawa’s work. The plot details that we have heard about the film being about paramilitary contractors protecting a town in Northern Thailand are true. Fusco also insists that he knows nothing about casting or directors potentially attached to the project.

Elsewhere, Hollywood Reporter mentions that 20th Century Fox has recently picked up a science fiction project that involves “a group of aliens and humans with various abilities who are brought together to save Earth”, which according to the article is done “in the vein of The Seven Samurai“.


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