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Seven Samurai 20XX makes Wired’s worst movie games ever list

It’s been somewhat quiet in the news front recently, so here’s something to quench your most burning thirst for Akira Kurosawa news: last week, Wired listed Seven Samurai 20XX among the top ten worst video games based on movies.

This is what Wired’s Chris Kohler had to say:

Wired.com reader Fnord called this PlayStation 2 game “a generic-to-bad brawler game that was trying very hard to be Ninja Gaiden, shoehorned and chopped and hammered into something that tried to resemble the plot of one of the best movies ever made.”

We simply call it an atrocity. Akira Kurosawa wasn’t even five years in his grave, and already his son Hisao was whoring out his classic films to the highest bidder, allowing Japanese pachinko-maker Sammy to turn Kurosawa’s samurai masterpiece into a campy futuristic fighting game. It’s embarrassing to even say this game’s title out loud, let alone play it.

The full article can be found here.

I am actually still wondering if I should get a used PS2 just to try this game, as well as the few other games based on Kurosawa’s work that have been released exclusively for Sony’s console.




Jeremy Quintanilla

….. Akira Kurosawa wasn’t even five years in his grave, and already his son Hisao was whoring out his classic films to the highest bidder…..


I want to believe Hisao is wanting to honor his father with AK100, but I tend to get the feeling, reason is much closer to the quote above.

I never played it, because I saw a video review when if first came out, it was very Japanese steam-punk anime in nature. I recall a scene that after a win, one of the samurai starts break-dancing. 🙄

I’m sure you can pick this game up for $5, but I wouldnt want purchase a PS2 just for that.

The older PS3 are backward compatible, the newer ones are not-as a money saving attempt. If I had a newer one, I would buy the game-since I dont, I won’t.

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