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Bringing back the dead (oddities in the forums)

Our member Sanjuro mentioned that some of the older posts he had written had not showed up on the forums at all. He actually told me about this earlier — a few months ago I think — and back then I couldn’t find the missing posts. This morning I spotted them completely by accident, and was able to bring them back to life.

And it wasn’t just Sanjuro’s posts. There were a couple of others (including a number of my own old posts) that the system had marked “deleted” for some reason or another. It’s very strange, and slightly worrying. I have now brought them back to life, and they are all there in the forums (although finding them might be a bit difficult).

If you, at some point, post on the forums and receive no reply to a question, please contact me (either in the new comments or via email at admin(at)akirakurosawa.info), and I will do some database digging. I am not entirely sure yet what caused these posts to have been deleted, but I know that the previous version of the forum software had some (supposedly rare) issues like these. The current one should have fixed them, but I’ll keep my eyes open.

Apologies to everyone, and especially Sanjuro, for the inconvenience.

I am actually currently working on a major update on the website, and hopefully everything will run a bit smoother (and prettier, and faster, and clearer) once that is launched. I can’t really predict when I’ll be ready, though. I’ve been working on it on and off for the past month or so, but in the past five days I have finally made some real progress (party inspired by the activity here).


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